Excessive Thirst
It is natural for dogs and cats to act thirsty in the hot summer months or after rambunctious exercise. However, excessive drinking throughout the day that continues for a number of days may be a sign of canine or feline diabetes. If you notice you are filling the water dish more often, you should have your pet tested for diabetes. Other diseases can also cause an increase in thirst, so consult a holistic veterinarian if you notice excessive drinking.
Excessive Urinating
If your pet is drinking more water, he or she will likely need to go outdoors to urinate more frequently. You may not recognize excessive water intake right away, as it tends to increase gradually. However, you should notice when your pet scratches at the door at greater frequency. If your pet is coming in and out of the house as if through a revolving door, have him or her examined as soon as possible.
"Sweet Breath"
Most every pet owner is accustomed to the unappealing odor of warm doggie or kittie breath. If you notice that your pet's breath has sweetened, it may mean that his or her blood sugar levels are off. Although you may appreciate the appealing change in your pet's breath, it could be a sign that something is amiss. Take him or her to the veterinarian for blood tests.
If you notice your dog or cat shivering even though temperatures are relatively warm, it could be a sign of hypoglycemia, also known as low blood sugar. This could potentially be a medical emergency. If you notice your pet shivering for no apparent reason, seek professional help as soon as possible. Your pet may require an insulin injection to stabilize blood sugar levels. Act quickly, or your pet may suffer serious, permanent injury.
Dogs suffering from canine diabetes, and cats suffering from feline diabetes, may appear very tired and weak most days. If your normally active pet suddenly develops lethargy symptoms over the course of several days, take him or her to your holistic veterinarian to have their blood sugar tested.
Loss of Weight
Too much weight can lead to canine diabetes and feline diabetes. However, sometimes pets will steadily lose weight instead. If your pet is rapidly losing weight, he or she could have diabetes or a more serous illness. Take your dog or cat to the veterinarian without delay for testing to rule out serious diseases.
Many well-informed veterinarians (both holistic and conventional) understand the potentially deadly effects of insulin injections for feline and canine diabetes. They recommend the natural, organic, herbal formula in Primalix Blood-Sugar Balance Herbal Extract Food Drops.
canine diabetes

With that said I bought some of your DentaSure teeth spray for my cat. I received it at the beginning of this week. After 3 DAYS of using this product her teeth have already gone from a scary looking brown and very unhealthy to a light shade of yellow.
I am absolutely blown away by how fast this product has helped her teeth improve and the fact that it's all natural is huge to me (the vet has been pushing me to pay $720 for a cleaning including anesthesia!!).
My only regret is not finding you guys sooner!! Keep up the great work!!!!" ~ Fred Brennan, Waymouth, MA

We put the VF dog on antibiotics as soon as she began coughing. The old man never really started but I seem to remember he has had Kennel Cough before so he may now have some immunity.
The third dog started to cough on Thursday and by Saturday it was just awful to listen to. She was trying to hack up a lung and leaving foamy puddles of spit ALL OVER our house.
Thank goodness your Primalix KC arrived so fast. It came in the mail on Saturday afternoon. I immediately dosed all 3 dogs.
Overnight the cough was drastically reduced. I am amazed! I am continuing to treat all 3 dogs for another week.
Thanks for an incredible product. Please do not hesitate to use this review on your website." ~ Lyn Chambers, Phoenix, AZ

We are pleased with the cedar and peppermint flea spray - it seems to perform as promised & that's a big deal here in Florida which is flea central.
Finally, a practical alternative to the nasty spot style flea pesticides. I will recommend this to my friends who (like us) don't want to use the traditional toxic treatments.
My dog also smells woodsey, a lovely side benefit. We sprayed the house and the combo is working. THANKS!" ~ Michelle G., Ft. Myers, FL

~ Kerry Jacques, Temecula, CA "I just want to thank you for your wonderful products and caring nature.
We made the decision to put Oreo to sleep on Tuesday. She was much worse Tuesday morning and it was time to let go. It was very hard as my husband and I wanted so bad for her to go on her own, but it was the right decision.
I know that your products helped give her a little more quality time with us than she would have had without them. I would also like all pet lovers to know the importance of spaying and neutering as early as possible - preferably before the first heat cycle - to decrease the chance of getting mammary gland cancer. Studies show mammary tumors in cats are 80% likely to be cancerous.
If I would have known about this risk, I would have started Oreo on the Primalix C-Care for cancer as a preventative measure long ago. I am going to continue giving it to my other 2 cats at least once or twice a week to hopefully prevent them from getting cancer.
Again, thank you so much for your kindness and compassion."
~ Jane Hicks, Thomasville, NC
“I just received my order of your flea and tick spray. Ok, at first I was skeptical, but now my wife and I are impressed. We see fleas or ticks on our German Shepard “Bumpers” or our Cocker Spaniel “Bella,” they get sprayed and – “Voila!” – dead fleas or ticks.The buy one get one free was a good deal. A little pricey, but if you want the best this does what it claims and is worth the money.
I want to thank you for making a product that actually works. On a scale from 1 to 10, TripleSure gets a 12.”
~ George and Brenda Campbell, Defuniak Springs, FL
"The DentaSure from my order of a week ago is already working on my 2 maltese's teeth and they both like it, making the job of cleaning their teeth much easier for me and is much more effective than trying to brush.Wish I heard about it (on tv) long ago! I plan to encourage my friends with dogs or cats to try it.
Thank you for your immediate response to my inquiry. You are very efficient!
~ Joyce Snelling, Sun Lakes, AZ

As a retired dog groomer I knew most products were not successful and I wished I had answers for my clients who lived with these tear stains. I did not want my dog to have to live with it also.
Tidy Tears has all natural ingredients which I look for for my pets. Nice to have found a product that works after all these years in time for my Pom."
~ Marie Cherry, Altoona, FL
"Your TripleSure product and customer service are first rate. I have been using it on my Wire Haired Pointing Griffon for the past 10 months. Living in Minnesota we are in prime tick country. My dog has been in the thick of them on extended canoe trips, hunting in tall grass and daily trips along the Minnesota river trails.TripleSure has prevented ticks & fleas. Granted, after water activity, it must be re-applied. However, this is a small price to pay considering not having the questionable chemical cocktail running through her from the standard systemic solutions such as Frontline. I have found that performance is enhanced if I take a minute to work in the spray by hand & finish it off with a light brush. Griffons have a double coat. My guess is that other breeds won’t need this."
~ K.C. Carpenter, Minnesota
"Thank you so much for offering these alternative solutions for really dangerous drugs vets give dogs and cats. I will always shop with you, and tell others."~ Robin Kincaid, Port Orchard, WA
"I am very happy with the way my 9 year old lab has responded to your arthritis remedy. We were considering much more invasive methods, and now I am so happy we found your herbal remedies.We are all the way from Istanbul, Turkey, and find ways to carry the remedies with us or with people coming from the US to Turkey. I really do think you are doing a great job for dogs and cats. As an animal lover I shall spread the word as much as I can."
~ Can Malta, Istanbul, Turkey
"About 3 years ago my cat Timmy was diagnosed with diabetes. The vet put him on insulin injections which were a disaster and his health deteriorated greatly and he exuded a horrible odor.I had my doubts about him being treated as a Type 1 diabetic as in the human population over 90% of people have Type 2, non-insulin dependant, diabetes.
So as my cat Timmy was practically dying in front of me I ordered your Primalix for cat blood sugar control. Within a short time of being on Primalix he recovered and also recovered from his diabetic neuropathy so he was able to jump again.
He has been on Primalix now for almost 3 years and the results have been wonderful. Also our vet is amazed at his progress.
I would, without hesitation, recommend any pet owner whose pet has blood sugar control problems to go onto Primalix----its a life saver!
With great appreciation,
Yours sincerely,"
~ Nigel Hyatt PEng (Ont), CEng, MIChemE (Professional Chemical Engineer) Ontario, Canada
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