Interesting Sphynx Cat Facts
The most striking feature of Sphynx cat is that it has very less or no fur. That is why, it is generally referred to as a 'hairless cat'. The first breeding session of these cats began in the year 1966 in Canada. A domestic Shorthair cat had given birth to hairless kittens, which were then selectively bred to produce next generation of hairless cats. These cats were called "Canadian Sphynx" or "The Canadian Hairless". As time passed by, people began referring to them as "Sphynx" which was then considered as their official name. So, every Sphynx cat is a descendant of the same domestic short-haired cat.
Sphynx is a muscular cat with a barrel-shaped chest, round belly and medium body length. It has a flat forehead with a wedge-shaped skull. Cheekbones are extremely prominent on the long skull. A whisker zone can be prominently observed on a Sphynx cat's face. It has big oval-shaped eyes that extend upwards towards its ears. Its eye color can range from blue, green to hazel. Ears are large with a wide base and a narrow tip. Back legs are longer than front legs with thick oval-shaped paws. It has a thick, flexible tail which tapers towards the end.
Sphynx cat is found in various colors and patterns like cream, chocolate, white, black, cinnamon, spotted, patched, etc. Its color depends on the pigment of the skin. If left in the sun for a long duration, its color tends to darken. Even though the cat is considered hairless, it still has a very fine coat of fur. The skin of body, face and legs is wrinkled as compared to remaining body parts. The whisker zone might be distinct but it lacks their presence.
This breed of cats is very friendly and fun-loving. It loves to bond with people and is affectionate towards them. Apart from being social, it loves to be the center of attention. Its loving, playful and lively personality makes it a great companion for children. Not only with humans, this cat can also get along very well with other cats and cat-friendly animals. A comfortable warm place is something this cat looks out for sleeping. So, you should not be surprised if you find your pet cat sleeping under your bed covers!
The best place to live for a Sphynx cat is indoors. It does not have difficulty in adjusting to live in an apartment. The reason why this breed needs an indoor living arrangement is that, their body is not so capable of surviving adverse environmental conditions. Due to absence of fur, a Sphynx cat does not enjoy cold conditions and prefers to avoid sleeping on cold surfaces. Outdoor arrangements can be made, but the area must be enclosed from all sides including the roof. To prevent them from boredom, adventure activities must be arranged to keep them busy and happy.
It can be easily thought that a Sphynx cat would not require grooming as they lack fur. But, this is not true. Rather, it needs grooming almost every week. Oil secreted by the body is generally absorbed by body fur, but as this cat lacks fur, all the body oil secreted starts building up. Therefore, cleaning the cat once a week is sufficient to keep it well-groomed. Apart from this, wax buildup in the ear must also be cleaned regularly. A bath can be given once a month to keep it nice and clean.
Anesthetic agents can be quite dangerous for a Sphynx cat. A cat suffering from kidney or liver problems is more susceptible to have this problem. A heredity condition known as Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) may develop in some cats. Therefore, it is advisable to get a pet cat from a breeder that undertakes regular examining of the disease in Sphynx cats. Kittens are susceptible to respiratory infections during initial weeks of life. Cancer of the skin can also be a problem, if the cat is exposed to long periods of sunlight. Immunization is necessary and can be done in a similar way like other cats.
Few More Fast Facts Sphynx cats are believed to have originated in ancient Egypt.Their hairless body is due to mutation of a recessive gene.Their weight falls under the range of 3.5-7.0 kg. Females weigh less than their male counterparts.People find them slimy to touch, but the fact is, they are very soft and warm to touch.Sphynx cats can also trigger allergic reactions in sensitive people despite the absence of fur on their body.Their diet is huge in relation to their body size because of their body's fast metabolism. In winters, they need a diet with high amount of calories to keep their body warm.A Sphynx cat can live up to 15 years or more!The most popular Sphynx cat in today's times is Mr. Bigglesworth.Sphynx cats are not only affectionate, but are also very intelligent. They can easily adjust to an indoor environment. All you need to give them is a scratching pole, some toys and few modes of entertainment and they will be a lifelong friend to you and your family. Like This Article? Please Share!
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