Friday, January 6, 2012

What To Consider When Choosing Healthy Gourmet Dog Treats

People have never been as concerned about what their dogs eat as much as they do these days. Because a dog forms an integral part of the family, it makes humane sense to treat is as such, thus the emergence of dog treats.

Treats are normally doled out on a reward system, for instance, for acceptable behavior, training or simply because of an innocent adoration for a pet. Previously a milk bone was considered the standard for dog treats, but times have changed considerably. These days there is so much more you can offer your dog.

Gourmet dog treats are a recent variation of traditional dog treats, coming in a deliciously healthy form. Of course these gourmet treats are expensive, but they make a world of difference if your dog is healthy, and happy. It is safe to say you will reduce your visits to the vet because your pet will be in good physical shape. In this respect dogs and humans are quite similar. What you eat plays a significant part to your health, so why would you not wish the same for your pet.

It is fairly easy to fall prey to the evils of confusion since these treats come in so many different forms. So how then are you supposed to select your dog’s treats? Which criteria do you have for determining the healthiest treat? You will find some useful tips right here in this article.

1.Consider the ingredients: This is very important. Do not allow yourself to be misled into thinking it is unnecessary to look at ingredients simply because it is just “a treat”. You need to look for organic treats because these play an important part in the overall health of your beloved pet. Whole grains such as wheat, oats and rice are excellent ingredients to add to protein derivatives like beef and chicken. Always remember to look out for the first few ingredients since these form the bulk of any food item or treat. Sugar and fatty acids are not good for your pet.

Be on the lookout for anything making any mention of by-products, like beef by-products. Simply put, this means a part of a chicken or cow which is not conducive for human consumption. Therefore, if a by-product is not good for you as an individual, then it is certainly not fit for your dog.

Scour around for those treats with vegetables rich in oxidants, like beans, spinach or kelp, and not just for whole grains and single source proteins. Do not get confused here, dogs can be vegetarian as well, plus vegetables are equally healthy for dogs as they are for humans. In addition to the aforementioned, ingredients with Omega 3 (for a healthier skin) and vitamins E and A for good eyesight and hearing, are also important.

2.Calories: Pay particular attention to the number of calories. Obesity is a condition which affects dogs as much as it affects humans, so you do not want your dog to be overweight because this means more visits to the vet than usual. The good news is that a large portion of gourmet dog treats take this into consideration, thereby resulting in low calorie levels.

3.Texture: Though this might appear unimportant it actually is. Texture is worth the mention for a number of reasons. Hard treats contribute immensely to making a dog’s teeth strong and eliminating the gradual accumulation of plaque. Soft treats should therefore be avoided at all costs. However, the older your dog gets, the “harder” it will be for it to eat such hard textured treats. So if your dog is old it is recommended that you prescribe to soft treats.

At the end of the day it really does not matter which treats you give to your dog, so long as you pay close attention to healthy constituent ingredients. This is definitely worth the repetition. Please make sure you avoid those treats with by-products, while at the same time ensuring that there are enough organic or natural ingredients for a healthy and well balanced meal. Nevertheless, if you own a dog which is not a huge fan of meat, –it does happen once in a while-then you will be glad to hear that there are several treats made with peanut butter. There are also those treats that come with vegetables or fish only; it all depends on the retailer. The best treats though are those which can be taken in a single bite. These are normally made up of a lot of natural ingredients, plus, they have a low calorie count. At the end of the day it is your dog which stands to benefit from healthy eating habits.

View the original article here

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